How to reach your desired level as a table tennis player,
smart and without a lot of additional time.

With a step-by-step plan that is tailored to you, you can finally play a league higher and have more ranking points.

Learn how table tennis training really should look like and how the level of play can be increased at record speed.

Several hundred table tennis players have already made use of our help and successfully implemented the methods.

Permanent motivation and further development.
Mental trainers, technique coaches, fitness experts and other trainers will help you.
Step-by-step to your personal success.

Find out more now, apply for a free training planning call and reach a new level in table tennis with high performance table tennis.

"Best Coaching Program"

Very extensive support, perfect for all TT players who want to achieve more!

I am involved in both the coaching program and the training camps.
I can only recommend the coaching program and the training camps. During the courses, the support is super intensive in the short time and the coaching program practically forms the bridge between the courses, so that you not only have great educational days during the course on site, but are optimally supported throughout the year!

"Top address for ambitious table tennis players!"

Very professional and motivated team of trainers. Great support, whether on site or in online coaching. Holistic training in which no area is neglected. Very individual design to support the individual in the best possible way.
Every day there is mutual support and help where and how it is possible.
Questions never go unanswered! Training plans are individually adapted to each person's wishes, needs, goals, as well as the current level of performance and taking into account any personal restrictions and are constantly looked for opportunities for improvement in order to use the time as efficiently and successfully as possible.

Definitely one of my best decisions. Just try it out and let yourself be convinced. Highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve!

"The perfect overall package for ambitious table tennis players"

Bojan and his entire team have managed, among other things, to raise the standard that I had of myself.
Thanks for that. Keep it up!!!

H - highly professional
P - practice and theory perfectly combined
T - team is great, committed and empathic 
T - the best I've had so far
in the field of table tennis!

"Complete package table tennis"

The High Performance Table Tennis system offers a comprehensive program for everything you need in table tennis. Mentally, tactics, fitness, technique and more. All no problem. If you have any questions, a wide range of trainers is available at any time.

A clear recommendation for every table tennis player as more than just the technique at the table is defined.

Strong thing what the guys are building!
About Bojan Besinger
High Performance Table Tennis Founder Bojan 
Together with his team, he has been helping table tennis players to increase their level of play with ease for several years.

Several hundred table tennis players have already made great progress with Bojan's personal help and will continue to trust the expertise of the High Performance Table Tennis Team in the future.

He started his own table tennis career at the age of 7. He was quickly in the Bavarian (biggest federal state in germany) national squad and achieved numerous successes at national level.
Several Bavarian championship titles are among the greatest successes. But the success story ended at the age of 12 when suddenly he was no longer part of the Bavarian squad. Then the motivation and love for table tennis vanished for 6 years - due to a lack of support.

"It cannot be that only team players are professionally supported in table tennis", thought Bojan when he returned to his youth club at the age of 18.

At the age of 19 he founded the table tennis coaching company "High Performance Table Tennis".

In 2017 he published his first book "Table tennis and nutrition - reach your next level".
At the age of 20, he launched the first online training program and organized the first high-performance courses. In the same year he received an offer from the "ITTF hotspot" in Denmark that Bojan wanted to hire as head coach for this table tennis center and a Danish first division team.
He declined the offer with thanks and has since continued to work on the vision of high performance table tennis by further developing his own training programs, organizing a training camp in China for Chinese players and building a large team of coaches.

Bojan lives for high performance table tennis. 

How does the application process look like?

1. Click the button
Click on the blue button below 
and fill out the form completely.
2. Preliminary Call
Someone from our team will contact you by phone to find out what your goals are and what challenges you face in table tennis.
3. Free training planning call
In this 60-90 minute conversation you will get a very clear and customized step by step plan with which you will achieve your goals in table tennis.
The High Performance Table Tennis Team
WarmUp + CoolDown Expert & Technique Coach
Timo developed a WarmUp & CoolDown program tailored to table tennis players, which not only increases the performance of the players, but also reduces the risk of injury to a minimum.
He also takes care of the right technique and tactics for our players.
Mental trainer for competitive athletes
Every week our players have the opportunity to speak personally to an expert from the mental field who also works together with other top athletes.
Olympic champion, Nordic combined, Johannes Rydzek describes the collaboration with Patrick in the following words: "The mental component plays an incredibly important role in my sport. Patrick has helped me regain clarity and serenity on the level." 

Athletic Trainer
Kilian is your personal contact when it comes to improving your table tennis performance with the right fitness training.

Our location

Our 300m2 office is located in beautiful Nuremberg, Germany.

From here we support our players completely digitally all over the world.
Our VIP customers also have the opportunity to visit us there and train with us personally. 

The office is located in the heart of the city and gives us the best conditions for further growth.

Why our players are so successful

1. Personally

We personally take care of our players and are
available around the clock via video telephony or WhatsApp ™.

We also see our players on site at regular intervals.

Table tennis players in our training programs are from
Germany, Austria, Sweden, France and every other part worldwide.

No matter where you are and what question you have,
we are there for you and help you.

2. Easy to use

Many players have normal family life, are self-employed,
 have exams for university or other time-consuming tasks in their everyday life.

It is therefore important that your individual training plan is really easy to implement.

3. Consistent

Your technique gets better, you improve tactically and mentally you get stronger.
But then you get severe back pain because you haven't warmed up properly?

At high performance table tennis, improving your performance is priority #1,
but only if health is not neglected.

This is how our training programs work.

In order to really achieve your goals, 
you need more than just a few YouTube videos or a training camp.
You need a restart.
Hundreds of men and women have gone through our training programs.
We would be happy to introduce you to our various support options on the sidelines of a training plan call.

 Achieve your goals in table tennis.
Step by step.

In the training program you will learn what a training plan should really look like and how it can be optimized. With us it's not about that you have to train more, but about how you can get a lot more out of your current effort. For this we need a precise plan that will be the foundation of your success.

 You won't be alone. Never.

Nothing is more important than being surrounded by table tennis players who are on the same journey as you. If you only have players around you who tell you you don't need tactics and service training is uncool, then at some point you will believe it.
Exchange ideas with coaches and players in our exclusive community, achieve your goals together and find new training partners.

 The perfect concept

How can a club player who has a normal job, goes to school or university or is even self-employed, despite a lack of time, get better and better at table tennis?
A professional and easily implementable concept is necessary for this, so that both a player with no experience and a player with professional level achieve the set goals.

 Excellent support. At any time.

You don't see improvement with your technique?
You have mental blocks or competition fear?
Do you have any questions about your training plan?
 Or you need our advice in the choice of material?
Then get support from our coaches. At any time & individually.
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