High performance table tennis
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The Trainer Team
Bojan Besinger
Founder of High Performance Table Tennis
Bojan leitet das Team, entwickelt neue Konzepte und optimiert die Trainingspläne bei High Performance Table Tennis.
WarmUp + CoolDown Experte & Technik Coach
Timo developed a WarmUp & CoolDown program tailored to table tennis players, which not only increases the performance of the players, but also reduces the risk of injury to a minimum.
He also takes care of the right technique and tactics for our players.
Mental trainer for competitive athletes
Every week our players have the opportunity to speak personally to an expert from the mental field who also works together with other top athletes.
Olympic champion, Nordic combined, Johannes Rydzek describes the collaboration with Patrick in the following words: "The mental component plays an incredibly important role in my sport. Patrick has helped me regain clarity and serenity on the level." 

Athletic Trainer
Kilian is your personal contact when it comes to improving your table tennis performance with the right fitness training.
Multiball professional
Bojan's youth coach takes care of the fine-tuning of the technique of our players at training camps with pure passion.
International Trainer
Trainer from Sweden
Christian is a full-time coach in Sweden and, among other things, leads trainer training there. He is also a regular coach at the HPTT training camps.
Coach from China
Li runs his own table tennis schools in China, where a training camp with the concept of high performance table tennis has already taken place.
Coach from Greece
Maria is a Greek national player, works as a coach in Sweden and supports HPTT at training camps.
More Trainers
Tobias is a former table tennis player and head of 2 therapy centers in Germany.

He supports the team with fitness workouts at training camps and with questions from the players about treatment methods for injuries.
Trainer at training camps
Fabian supports the high performance table tennis training camps as a multiball trainer.
Trainer at training camps
Fabian supports the high performance table tennis training camps as a multiball trainer.
Trainer at training camps
Matze is not only one of the best table tennis players in Germany in his year and therefore the perfect sparring partner for our players, but has also been a participant in high performance table tennis and therefore knows exactly what is important to increase the level.
Trainer at training camps
A completed degree in table tennis - who can say that of themselves?
Trainer at training camps
He not only supports the team and the participants in improving their technique, but is also our expert for smart tactics.
High performance table tennis
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